Carnegie Mellon University Launches Innovative Bachelor’s in Robotics Program

In an exciting development for the world of technology and education, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has announced the launch of a Bachelor’s degree in Robotics. This innovative program is designed to equip the next generation of robotic engineers with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this rapidly evolving industry. The new degree program will focus on a range of areas including robotic construction, system planning and control, cognition systems, manipulation mechanisms, as well as computer vision and sensing.

The curriculum will also include a course titled ‘RoboMath’, aimed at providing students with a robust understanding of linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics. This mathematical foundation will enable students to master complex algorithms and apply them effectively in the design, prototyping, fabrication, and testing of their own robots.

The potential impact of robotics on our world is immense. From making vehicles and airplanes safer to assisting individuals with physical disabilities, from aiding in nuclear reactor clean-ups to exploring extraterrestrial surfaces, and from promoting sustainable agriculture to revolutionizing various industries, robots can indeed change the world. Matthew Johnson-Roberson, Director of the Robotics Institute and a professor in robotics at CMU, emphasized that this new Bachelor of Science in Robotics will create a pathway for current and prospective students into this exciting industry.

Carnegie Mellon University has a rich history of pioneering academic research in robotics. In 1979, it established the first academic department in the United States dedicated to robotics. A decade later, in 1989, the university launched the world’s first Ph.D. program in robotics. The Robotics Institute at CMU currently offers a Ph.D. program, three master’s degrees, an undergraduate minor, and an additional major in robotics.

The introduction of the Bachelor of Science in Robotics reflects the institute’s long-standing philosophy of creating machines and systems that function effectively. This new program is the fifth undergraduate degree offered by the School of Computer Science at CMU, adding to the existing degrees in artificial intelligence, computational biology, computer science, and human-computer interaction.

The decision to launch this new degree program was taken only after the university was convinced that the field of robotics had matured sufficiently to warrant an undergraduate degree. Over the years, the robotics industry has seen substantial growth, leading to an increased demand for skilled workers. George Kantor, a robotics professor and co-director of the Bachelor of Science in Robotics program, believes that graduates will be well-positioned to take up some of the most exciting roles in this innovative industry.

The new degree program is open to incoming students of the School of Computer Science who can opt for the robotics major at the end of their first year. Current sophomores or juniors in the school also have the option to transfer into the program. The university expects to enroll 10 students for the fall 2023 term and 25 students each year thereafter.

With an emphasis on electronics, computers, programming languages, and coding, this new degree program is set to shape the future of robotics. More information about the Bachelor of Science in Robotics program can be found on the Robotics Institute’s academic programs website.