Java Input

Java is a highly versatile and popular language among programmers, renowned for its robustness, security and object-oriented principles.

An essential aspect that programmers often need to grapple with is taking and working with input in Java.

This tutorial aims to demystify the process of working with input in Java.

Understanding Input in Java

The idea of input in Java revolves around collecting data from an external source. This could be user interaction, data from files, or information coming in from other hardware devices. Java offers a rich variety of classes Java offers to handle this task, each with its own benefits and unique features.

Some of these include the Scanner class, BufferedReader class, Console class, and DataInputStream class. These classes make it possible to take in data, parse it, and use it in your code, whether it’s user input or data from files.

For instance, the Scanner class, which we’ll cover in more detail later, is popular for parsing primitive types and strings. It is highly efficient at breaking down its input into tokens using a specified delimiter pattern, which by default matches whitespace.

On the other hand, the BufferedReader class, another workhorse in the Java I/O toolbox, is renowned for reading text from a character-input stream and buffering characters for effective reading of characters, arrays, and lines.

In addition, the Console class provides methods to read text and password fields, making it an excellent choice when building command-line applications, whereas the DataInputStream class is specially designed for reading primitive Java data types from an input stream in a machine-independent way.

In this tutorial, we’ll be exploring these classes and their methods in detail, which will equip you with the skills needed to handle various types of input in Java. Let’s dive in and start learning about working with input in Java!

Importing the Scanner Class in Java

Before we get started, let’s quickly review how to import classes in Java.

In Java, classes are fundamental building blocks, housing the methods and variables that form the blueprint of an object.

To utilize the features of a class, it must be imported into your code. This is achieved using the import keyword, followed by the package name and the class name.

For example, to import the Scanner class, which is part of the java.util package, you would write: “import java.util.Scanner;“.

Once imported, an instance of the Scanner class can be created using the new keyword, like so: “Scanner input = new Scanner(;“.

This instance, ‘input’, can now be used to read input from the user.

For instance, to read an integer, you would use:

int number = input.nextInt();“.

This line prompts the user to input an integer, which is then stored in the ‘number’ variable. Importing classes in Java, such as the Scanner class, extends the functionality of your code, providing you with a range of methods to handle input, and making your programming experience more efficient and productive.

The Java Scanner Class

Let’s take a closer look at the Scanner class.

The Java Scanner class is a frequently utilized tool for handling input in Java. It belongs to the java.util package, equipped with methods that allow parsing of primitive types and strings.

Let’s look at an illustrative example of how the Scanner class functions:

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter a number:");
    int number = sc.nextInt();
    System.out.println("You entered: " + number);

In this example, the Scanner class is imported. Subsequently, an instance of the class is created. We then solicit an integer input from the user and subsequently print it.

Common Methods from the Scanner Class in Java, with Examples

Examples: next(), nextline(), nextlnt(), nextDouble(),hasNextPrefix(),hasNextInt()

The Scanner class in Java provides an assortment of methods for handling different types of input.

To begin with, the `next()` method reads the next token from the input as a String.

Consider an example where a user is prompted to enter their name. The code could look like this: `System.out.println(“Enter your name: “); String name =;`. This would capture the name input by the user and store it in the `name` variable.

The `nextLine()` method, on the other hand, advances the scanner past the current line and returns the input that was skipped. If you’re looking to read an integer, the `nextInt()` method comes in handy.

For decimal numbers, use the `nextDouble()` method. It’s always prudent to check if the next token fits your desired type, and the `hasNextInt()` and `hasNextDouble()` methods are useful for this.

They return a boolean indicating whether the next token in the input can be interpreted as an int or a double, respectively. Let’s see these methods in action:

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; 
System.out.println("Enter a string:");
String s =;
System.out.println("You entered: " + s);

This code prompts the user to enter a string, reads the input using the `next()` method, and prints it. The other methods function similarly, changing the type of input read. By understanding these methods, you can handle a variety of inputs in Java effectively.

Working with the BufferedReader Class

The BufferedReader class, a vital part of the package, offers another method to handle input in Java. Its primary function lies in efficiently reading text from a character-input stream by buffering characters, thereby enabling effective reading of characters, arrays, and lines.

To illustrate the utilization of the BufferedReader class, let’s examine the following piece of code:

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    System.out.println("Enter a string:");
    String s = br.readLine();
    System.out.println("You entered: " + s);

In this demonstration, the BufferedReader class is initially imported, and subsequently, an object of this class is instantiated. Then, we prompt the user to input a string, which we read using the BufferedReader and eventually print.

This reinforces the key role the BufferedReader class plays when it comes to efficiently reading text from a character-input stream. It’s noteworthy that this class facilitates the buffering of characters for seamless reading of characters, arrays, and lines. Its proficiency in handling large volumes of data makes it the go-to choice when dealing with extensive reading operations.

Grasping the BufferedReader class and its functionalities can be an asset in your Java programming journey. It will equip you to handle scenarios requiring efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines, thereby augmenting the performance of your Java applications. This class offers a balance of versatility and performance, making it an essential part of any Java programmer’s toolkit.

Harnessing the Console Class

The Console class is an integral part of Java’s package. It’s designed to facilitate reading text and password fields, positioning it as an ideal choice for command-line applications. Let’s delve into a practical example to understand its use:

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Console console = System.console();
    System.out.println("Enter a string:");
    String s = console.readLine();
    System.out.println("You entered: " + s);

In this code snippet, the Console class is first imported, followed by the creation of a Console instance. We then ask the user to input a string. This string is read using the console’s readLine() method and subsequently printed.

While it may look straightforward, it’s worth noting that the Console class doesn’t operate within an integrated development environment (IDE) like Eclipse. This limitation might guide your choice when deciding on the suitable input method for your Java programming needs.

The Console class remains a valuable tool in the Java programmer’s arsenal due to its efficient methods for reading text and password fields. Understanding and leveraging this class can improve the effectiveness and security of your command-line applications. As you continue to hone your Java programming skills, be sure to explore the capabilities of the Console class.

Exploring the DataInputStream Class

The DataInputStream class, a constituent of the package, serves a distinct function in Java input. It enables an application to read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent manner.

To demonstrate its functionality, consider the following code:

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(;
    System.out.println("Enter a string:");
    String s = dis.readLine();
    System.out.println("You entered: " + s);

In the above code snippet, we first import the necessary libraries, and then instantiate the DataInputStream class. We subsequently prompt the user to input a string. This input is read using the readLine() method from the DataInputStream instance and is then printed.

In contrast with the other classes we have examined, DataInputStream stands out for its unique ability to read primitive Java data types from an input stream in a machine-independent fashion. This ensures that the data read will be consistent, regardless of the machine architecture.

Another noteworthy point about the DataInputStream class is that it can handle both binary and textual data. This means it can read data from a file in either binary or textual format, adding to its versatility.

The strength of the DataInputStream class lies in its capacity to read data in a way that is consistent across different machines and to handle both textual and binary data. This makes it an invaluable tool when dealing with input data in various formats.

Remember, however, that as with all tools, the effectiveness of the DataInputStream class is determined by its suitability to the task at hand. It’s therefore crucial to understand its functions and capabilities fully, so that you can determine when it’s the most appropriate tool to use.

Putting it all together: Working with Input in Java

Java input is a crucial component of any programming project, especially those involving user interaction or data manipulation. Each input method, from the easy-to-use Scanner class to the efficient BufferedReader, serves a unique purpose and offers distinct capabilities. The Console class shines in reading text and password fields, ideal for command-line applications, while the DataInputStream excels in reading primitive data types in a machine-independent manner.

Each input method has been carefully designed to tackle different scenarios and cater to various needs. Hence, it is important to understand the underlying principles and functionalities of these classes to leverage them appropriately. The efficiency and functionality of your Java applications significantly depend on how well you can make use of these methods.

It’s all about finding the right tool for the job, and in Java, you have a comprehensive set to choose from. The key is to practice and implement these classes in various contexts, testing their potential and boundaries. By doing so, you will gain a deeper understanding of their capabilities, advantages, and potential drawbacks, allowing you to select the most appropriate one for your specific needs.