Printing in Java

Printing in Java
Fig 1: Using the print() and println() methods to print to the console in Java.

In Java, there are several helpful methods and classes for printing output to the console or other output destinations.

The most popular methods for printing in Java include: System.out.print(), System.out.println(), and System.out.printf().

In this tutorial, we will cover the use of these methods and see how they can be used to print to the standard output. We will also explore using the PrintStream and PrintWriter classes, which provide a great deal of functionality when it comes to printing in Java.

Printing With System.out.print()

In Java, System.out.print() is used to print output to the console. It prints directly to the console without a new line. This means that subsequent output will appear on the same line.

System.out.print() is a method that belongs to the java.lang.System class. It is used for printing text or other data to the standard output stream, which is typically the console or terminal where your Java program is running.

Here’s what System.out.print() really means, and how it works:

  1. System: System is a built-in class in Java that provides access to various system-related functionalities. This includes input and output streams.
  2. out: out is a public static field within the System class, which represents the standard output stream. It is an instance of the PrintStream class.
  3. print(): print() is a method of the PrintStream class. When you call System.out.print(), it calls the print() method on the out object, which prints the specified data to the standard output.

Here’s an example of how we can use System.out.print():

   System.out.print("Hello, "); 


Hello, World!

In this example, “Hello, ” and “World!” are printed on the same line because System.out.print() doesn’t add a newline character.

If we want to print to a new line, we can manually add a newline character ‘ \n ‘ to our print statement:

Remember that System.out.print() does not automatically add a newline character, so if you want to start a new line, you need to explicitly use System.out.println() or add a newline character \n at the end of your System.out.print() statement.

   System.out.print("Hello, "); 



Alternatively, we can use System.out.println() to append a new line.

Printing With System.out.println()

System.out.println() allows us to perform two actions at once:

  1. It prints the statement as would System.out.print().
  2. It appends a new line at the end of the statement.

The operation of System.out.println() is shown in the following example:

public class ExponentExample { 

    public static void main(String[] args) {
       System.out.println("Hello, ");





In this example, I’ve intentionally used println() for the first statement and print() for the second. This highlights the fact that println() essentially appends a newline to the end of its’ statement.

Note the limitation of System.out.println(): it only results in the next (the following) statement being printed to a new line. If we need the current statement to print to a new line, we still need to use a newline character \n.

In practice, however, most of the time developers can just stick to using System.out.println(), ensuring that each print statement appears on a new line.

Printing With System.out.printf()

The System.out.printf() method is very powerful, and gives us different ways to print different kinds of data formats like strings, numbers, dates, times, and more.

This method uses rules to determine the output formatting. Rules start with a percentage character ‘%’.

String name = "Alice";  
int age = 30;  
System.out.printf("Name: %s, Age: %d%n", name, age);


Name: Alice, Age: 30

Printing Using the PrintStream Class

The PrintStream class is part of the package, and it is actually what is working behind the scenes whenever we use a print() or println() statement. It provides a convenient way to print data to an output stream, such as the console or a file.

PrintStream is commonly used for simple text-based output in Java programs. It’s a subclass of OutputStream, which means it can be used to write various data types to an output stream.

We often don’t need to use PrintStream explicitly, as we can usually just use System.out.print() statements instead. However, it is educational to understand how this works under the hood. Here’s how we can use the PrintStream class to print in Java:

  1. Import the PrintStream class: We need to import the PrintStream class from the package at the beginning of our Java file:
  1. Create a PrintStream object: We can create a PrintStream object to represent the output stream where we want to print.

    The most common use case is to print to the standard output. We can create a PrintStream object for the standard output like this:
   PrintStream ps = System.out; 

Here, System.out is an instance of PrintStream representing the standard output stream.

  1. Use PrintStream methods to print: Now we can use various methods provided by the PrintStream class to print the data. These are identical to the print(), println(), and printf() methods that we’ve already seen. Some of the commonly used methods include:
  • print(String s): Prints without adding a newline character.
  • println(String s): Prints and adds a newline character.
  • printf(String format, Object... args): Formats and prints a string using the specified format and arguments. Here’s an example of how to use PrintStream to print to the console:
   public class PrintStreamExample { 
       public static void main(String[] args) { 
           // Create a PrintStream object for standard output (console) 
           PrintStream ps = System.out; 
           // Use the print and println methods to output data 
           ps.print("Hello, "); 
           ps.printf("Formatted output: %d + %d = %d%n", 2, 3, 5); 
           // Close the stream (not required for System.out) 
  1. Close the PrintStream (if necessary): In the above example, we used ps.close(); to close the PrintStream.

    However, for the standard output (System.out), closing the stream is not necessary. For other output streams, like files, you should close the PrintStream to flush any buffered data and release resources.

    While this exercise isn’t necessary in most programs, hopefully it provides some additional information about how print statements work under the hood.

Printing Using the PrintWriter Class

The PrintWriter class in Java is part of the package. It provides a way to print data to an output stream, such as a file or a network socket.

PrintWriter is often used for more advanced text-based output and is particularly useful for writing data to files with a high-level interface.

Here’s how we can use the PrintWriter class to print in Java:

  1. Import the PrintWriter class: We need to import the PrintWriter class from the package at the beginning of our Java file:
  1. Create a PrintWriter object: We can create a PrintWriter object to represent the output stream where you want to print. For example, to create a PrintWriter for writing to a file, we can do the following:
   try { 
       PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("output.txt"); 
   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 

In this example, we created a PrintWriter that writes to a file named “output.txt.” The FileNotFoundException is caught to handle potential file-related errors.

  1. Use PrintWriter methods to print: We can use various methods provided by the PrintWriter class to print data, including:
  • print(String s): Prints without adding a newline character.
  • println(String s): Prints and adds a newline character.
  • printf(String format, Object... args): Formats and prints a string using the specified format and arguments.

    Here’s an example of how we can use PrintWriter to write to a file:

   public class PrintWriterExample { 
       public static void main(String[] args) { 
           try { 
               // Create a PrintWriter for writing to a file (example.txt) 
               PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("example.txt"); 
               // Use the print and println methods to write data to the file 
               pw.print("Hello, "); 
               pw.printf("Formatted output: %d + %d = %d%n", 2, 3, 5); 
               // Close the PrintWriter to flush and release resources 
           } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 
  1. Close the PrintWriter (always required): It’s important to close the PrintWriter after you’re done with it. Closing the PrintWriter flushes any buffered data to the output stream, and it releases resources associated with it. This step is essential to ensure data integrity and good resource management.

    That’s how you can use the PrintWriter class to print output in Java, especially when you need to write data to files or other output streams.