Rust Data Structures and Algorithms
Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms with Rust!
This educational course covers the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms using Rust language. It is designed to be beginner friendly, but we do recommend having at least a good understanding of Rust. There will be links to all required prerequisite topics throughout the course, so feel free to jump in and review these as needed.
Why Make a Course on Data Structures and Algorithms in Rust?
Rust is often perceived as a difficult language to learn, and data structures and algorithms are often regarded as a tough but necessary prerequisite to obtaining a job as a programmer.
It can be difficult to find a free resource that tackles these subjects in an inviting way for new programmers (we’ve tried!), so we thought “why not make one?”
The course itself will be based on some of the most popular paid courses in data structures and algorithms, but we will try to make it as accessible as possible, and teach everything – every data structure, every algorithm – from the ground up, using Rust.
The only knowledge that will be assumed is that of the basic topics in Rust – functions, vectors, structs, ownership, etc. However as each topic will be covered in depth, it should be easy to follow along with even if your knowledge is a little – ‘rusty’ 😉
Enough of this preamble, let’s get on with the course!