University of Washington Creates Origami-Inspired Microfliers for Aerial Adjustments

In a groundbreaking development, the University of Washington has engineered miniature robotic devices, dubbed “microfliers”, that can alter their flight pattern by adopting a folded position in mid-air. This innovative technology draws inspiration from the ancient Japanese art of origami, specifically the Miura-ori fold, which is known for its ability to transform from a flat surface into a three-dimensional shape.

The microfliers, each weighing approximately 400 milligrams, can be released from a drone and can cover the length of a football field when dropped from a height of 40 meters in mild wind conditions. To control the dispersion of these devices, researchers manipulate the transition timing using various methods such as an onboard pressure sensor for altitude estimation, an onboard timer or a Bluetooth signal.

These tiny devices are equipped with a battery-free actuator and a solar power-harvesting circuit, which powers the controller responsible for triggering the shape changes while the device is airborne. Moreover, they have the capability to carry onboard sensors that can monitor temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors during flight. These findings were published on September 13 in Science Robotics.

Vikram Iyer, co-senior author and assistant professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, said, “The use of origami introduces a new dimension to the design of microfliers. The Miura-ori fold, inspired by geometric patterns found in leaves, coupled with power harvesting and miniature actuators, allows our devices to emulate the flight of different leaf types mid-air.”

The microfliers have been designed to overcome several challenges. They are rigid enough to prevent premature transitioning to the folded state before receiving the signal. The onboard actuators can initiate the folding process within approximately 25 milliseconds, ensuring rapid transition between states. Furthermore, these devices can change shape while untethered from a power source, thanks to their solar power-harvesting circuit.

Currently, the microfliers can only transition in one direction – from the tumbling state to the falling state. This enables researchers to control the descent of multiple microfliers simultaneously, resulting in them dispersing in various directions during their descent. However, future devices are expected to transition in both directions, which will allow for more accurate landings in turbulent wind conditions.

This research project involved the collaboration of several individuals, including Kyle Johnson and Vicente Arroyos, both doctoral students at the Allen School; Amélie Ferran, a doctoral student in the mechanical engineering department; Raul Villanueva, Dennis Yin and Tilboon Elberier, undergraduate students studying electrical and computer engineering; Alberto Aliseda, a professor of mechanical engineering; Sawyer Fuller, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering; and Shyam Gollakota, a professor in the Allen School.

The research was made possible through funding from various sources, including a Moore Foundation fellowship, the National Science Foundation, the National GEM Consortium, the Google fellowship program, the Cadence fellowship program, the Washington NASA Space Grant fellowship Program and the SPEEA ACE fellowship program.

This development is a huge step forward in the field of electronics and robotics, demonstrating how programming languages and coding can be utilized to create innovative solutions. It opens up new possibilities for data collection from hard-to-reach areas and could revolutionize environmental monitoring, disaster management, and even military surveillance. As technology continues to advance, it’s exciting to see where the intersection of electronics, computers, programming languages, and coding will lead us next.