This page is a complete, living review of my experience with Ezoic. I will update this page with status updates on my Ezoic journey along the way.
In a way, this page is a living document that will allow you to follow along on my Ezoic journey.
Whenever I need to dive deep into a topic, I will spin off a new article for that topic alone. I’ll summarize everything here on this page to maintain an overview of my whole time with the Ezoic platform.
My Ezoic Journey So Far
I started Ezoic with the Access Now program. This was my first experience with Ezoic, and was actually my first experience with web advertising! I learned a huge amount about Ezoic and the industry. I found the website setup to be easy and gained valuable experience. Earnings were higher than I had expected, but this was partially since I had signed up in December, at the highest earning point of the year.
I qualified for Level 1 about a month later, which came with some awesome perks. A few weeks later I received the Breakout Brand Certification, which is basically just recognition that I had moved up a level.
It took about another six weeks before I received an invitation to Ezoic Premium. This program immediately increased my earnings significantly.
My Timeline With Ezoic
December 2021: Signed up for Ezoic with Access Now
January 2022: Achieved Level 1 (10k visitors)
April 2022: Invited to join Ezoic Premium