Advent of Cyber 2022

Advent of cyber 2022

This page contains a full walkthrough and notes for TryHackMe’s Advent of Cyber 2022 event.

Advent of Cyber 2022 is a cybersecurity learning event hosted by TryHackMe. It is beginner-friendly and free.

Best of all, Advent of Cyber is a great way of learning the basics of cybersecurity with daily, hands-on challenges!

TryHackMe has hosted an annual Advent of Cyber event for the last four years. The 2022 iteration is called Advent of Cyber 2022 (although the URL is ‘/adventofcyber4)’.

Advent of Cyber covers so much information that it’s super difficult to get the entire walkthrough onto a single page. You can find walkthroughs for each day below.

Advent of Cyber 2022 Walkthrough

Links to walkthroughs for each day’s challenge:

I also have a full walkthrough for Advent of Cyber 3 (2021’s event).