Rust Structs and Functions

Rust Structs and Functions

In Rust, structs and functions are both very popular and it is common to combine them in various ways.

The two most common (and basic) are:

  1. Passing structs into a function as an argument.
  2. Returning a struct from a function.

In this tutorial, we will cover both of these cases and learn how functions can be helpful when working with structs.

Rust Structs and Functions – Page Contents

Passing a Struct to a Function

We can pass a struct into a function using the name of the struct.

In the function definition, we use the name of the struct to reference the data type of the parameter:

fn my_function(s: StructName) {}

In this example, s is the parameter and it has a type of StructName.

When we call the function, we provide the struct instance as the argument, which gets passed into the function.


In the following example, we use the show_student() function to print out a student’s details in a useful way.

// Declaring a struct called Student:

struct Student {
    name: String,
    age: i32,
    average: i32,

// Creating an instance of Student called 'bill':

let bill = Student {
    age: 61,
    name: "Bill".to_string(),
    average: 83,

// Creating a function that shows the student details:

fn show_student(s: Student) {
    println!("Name: {} , Age: {} , Average: {} ",, s.age, s.average);

// Calling the show_student() function:


Standard Output:

Name: Bill , Age: 61 , Average: 83

Returning a Struct From a Function

We can return a struct from a function by specifying the struct name as the type to be returned, in the function definition.

fn my_function() -> StructName {}

The output of this function is a struct. If we want to do something with the struct then we will need to call the function from another function or macro.

We can also save the output as a new variable, and then work with that variable later on. In the following example, we are saving the output of the get_student() function into the variable ‘which_student’.

struct Student {
    name: String,
    age: i32,
    average: i32,

let bill = Student {
    name: "Bill".to_string(),
    age: 61,
    average: 83,

let steve = Student {
    name: "Steve".to_string(),
    age: 26,
    average: 79,

fn get_student(s1: Student, s2: Student) -> Student {
    if == "Bill" {
        return s1;
    else {
        return s2;

    let which_student = get_student(bill, steve);
    println!("{} , {} , {}",, which_student.age, which_student.average);